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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ten signs he is into you

Ten signs he is into you



1. When he says he will phone you he actually does.

If a guy cares for you he will never keep you hanging on or waiting for his call. He will actually be very eager to show you that he likes you and you can count on him.

2. He plans ahead.

If he thinks up new ways to spend time together then that's a sure sign he wants to hang out with you more and is interested. When he has already suggested good ideas what to do together the coming weekend and you guys are not even halfway through your dinner , then you got yourself a guy who is totally into you.

3. He listens .

Is he listening to you or showing an eager interest when you talk about your day or your cat ? If he does he likes and he want to know every little bit about your life.

4. He shows off.

If he likes you he will want to impress you. He will talk at length about his achievements or whatever he thinks might impress you.

5. He is joking a lot

Every guy knows that if you can make her laugh then she is yours. Have you heard how some stupid women giggle like craze to some guy\'s not at all witty remarks? That\'s because she likes him and she sure wants him to notice her. So if he is put effort to make you smile then you know – he is in love.

6. He takes to a nice dinner

During your first weeks of dating every guy know that a good way to impress a woman is to buy her a nice meal at a cozy place where you can talk. It is a good way to show he is a good provider and thinks about the essentials in life.

7. He can't take his eyes off you

That's a very good sign a guy is in love but I have ranked it 7 because some mean b_ms can easily fake it and lure you in their beds. So look for signs of sincerity and true admiration in a guy's look at you.

8. He is gentle.

A guy in love would never group or try to force a kiss. Instead he will try to create a romantic atmosphere for you first kiss.

9. He introduces you to his best friends.

That's a good sing he wants to show off with you and that he considers you are becoming something important in his life.

10. He talks about the Future.

Talks about the future are like nightmare for all guys. But if he is ready to talk about it with you then he is a keeper.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/ten-signs-he-is-into-you-4355535.html

About the Author

Come visit us at World of Romance for more top ten lists on love and relationships.

For More “If He Is into You” Sign's

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, I think the case is same with girls, if you're really interested, no matter how busy you are, you're never too busy when it comes to that person.
